Choose foods that you can tolerate and continue to experiment with your food choices. It is important to drink liquids in between eating to maintain hydration.
It is modified or tailored to fit the nutrition needs of a particular person. Therapeutic diets are modified for (1) nutrients, (2) texture, and/or (3) food.
Well-Tolerated diet is often used after abdominal surgery or as a transitional diet after gastroenteritis, diverticulitis or inflammatory bowel flares.
Foods allowed include: most beverages (no alcohol), most breads and cereals (except those containing coarse whole grains, bran, nuts or seeds), most desserts ( ...
Full Liquid Diet. As a transition between clear liquid and a soft or regular diet, this plan provides easily tolerated foods. The diet includes milk ...
Plain pasta, plain noodles, white rice. No sauces or gravies. Potato: boiled or baked. No French Fries. Breads: French, Italian, whole white, English muffins, ...